23, 2007
Gerry Hobbs, Associate Professor of Statistics
and Adjunct Associate Professor of
Medicine, West Virginia University
1973 PhD
Statistics, Kansas State
1969 M.S.
Statistics, Kansas State
1967 B.S.
Mathematics, California
State University,
Luis Obispo
1990-present Adjunct
Associate Professor
Community Medicine
of Community Medicine
Virginia University
1982-present Associate
Professor of Statistics, Statistics and Computer Science, West Virginia
1976-1982 Assistant
Professor of Statistics, Statistics and Computer Science, West Virginia
1973-1976 Assistant
Professor of Mathematics, State University College at Potsdam
1970-1973 Graduate
Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University
1969-1970 Mathematical
Statistician, US Army Safeguard System Evaluation Agency
1968-1969 National
Defense Education Act
Fellow, Kansas State
1967-1968 Graduate
Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University
1. Hobbs,
Gerald R., "Instructor's Guide to Accompany
Statistics," by
Joseph Newmark, Saunders College
Publishing, Philadelphia, 1988.
Hobbs, Gerry, ANOVA and Regression Methods Using JMP(R)
Software Course Notes,
SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1996
(210 pages)
Hobbs, Gerry, et al., Basics Statistics Using SAS Software, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1998 (545 pages)
1. Hobbs,
G. R. and W. J. Conover. "The Asymptotic Efficiency of the Kruskal-Wallis
Test and the Median Test in Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories", Communications
in Statistics Volume 13, No. 12, pp. 1138, December, 1974
2. Hobbs,
Gerald. R. and Riley, William B.
Jr., "Validating a Trading Rule: The Case of Profiting From a Presidential
Election", AIDS (American Institute for Decision Sciences), pp.
79-81, November, 1980
3. Hobbs,
Gerald. R. Jr.,"Some Advantages of Individually Generated Data Sets",
Academic Press, pp. 465-470, Teaching of Statistics and
Statistical Consulting, Jagdish. S. Rustagl and Douglas. A.
Wolfe, eds., Academic Press, New York, 1982
4. Hobbs,
G. R. and William B. Riley, Jr., "Profiting from a Presidental Election",
Financial Analysts Journal, Volume 4, No 2, pp. 46-53,
March-April, 1984
5. Bancroft,
Bruce. A. and Hobbs, Gerald. R., "Distribution of the Kriging Error and
the Stationarity of the Variogram in a Coal Property", Mathematical
Geology, Volume 18, No. 7, pp. 635-652, October, 1986.
6. Hambi,
Panayiotis., Chilko, Daniel. M. and Hobbs, Gerald., "The JACKREG
Procedure," SAS Institute Inc., pp. 237-246 (Chapter 18), 1986 in SUGI
Supplemental User's Guide, Robert.P. Hastings, editor.
7. Bancroft,
Bruce. A. and Hobbs, Gerald. R., "Mine-Product Variability Estimators with
Emphasis on the Case of Coal", Technometrics, Volume 35, No. 4, pp
390-402, November, 1993.
8. Jones,
David. R., Graeber, Geoffrey. M., Tanguilig, Gerald. G., Hobbs, Gerry, Murray,
Gordon. F. ÒThe Effects of Insufflation on Hemodynamics During ThoracoscopyÓ The
Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Volume 55, pp 1379-1382, June, 1993
9. Koerber,
H. R., Hobbs, G. R. and Brown, P. B., "Precision and Variability of
Hindlimb Representation in Cat Dorsal Horn and Applications for Tactile
Localization". Journal of Neurophysiology, Volume 70, No. 6, pp
2489-2501 December, 1993
10. Kaufman,
Howard. H., Bodensteiner, John, Burkhart, Barbara, Gutmann, Ludwig, Kopitnik,
Thomas, Hochberg, Vera, Loy, Nina, Cox-Ganser, Jean, Hobbs, Gerry,
"Treatment of Spastic Gait in Cerebral Palsy", West Virginia
Medical Journal, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 190-192, May, 1994
11. Cleavenger,
Ronald L., Juckett, R. Gregory, and Hobbs, Gerry, "Trends in Chlamydia and
Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases in a University Health Service", Journal
of American College Health, Volume 44, No. 5, pp 263-265, May, 1996
12. Sheth,
Raj. D., Wesolowski, Carl. A., Jacob, J. C., Penny, Sharon., Hobbs, Gerald. R.,
Riggs, Jack. E., and Bodensteiner, John. B., "Effect of Carbamazepine and
Valproate on Bone Mineral D\ensity", The Journal of Pediatrics,
Volume 127, No. 2, pp. 256-262, August, 1995.
13. Sheth,
Raj. D., Mullett, Martha M., Bodensteiner, John. B., Hobbs, Gerald. R.,
"Longitudinal Head Growth in Developmentally Normal Preterm Infants".
Archives of Pediatric and Adolscent Medicine, Volume 149, No. 12, pp.
1358-1361, December, 1995
14. Unkel,
John M., Fenton, Sanford J., Hobbs, Gerald, and Frere, Cathryn L.,
"Toothbrushing Ability is Related to Age in Children" Journal of
Dentistry for Children, Volume 62, No. 5, pp. 346-348, September-October,
15. Cohen,
C. S.,Stansberry, P. G., Stiller, A. H., Hobbs, G., Vavro, K. and, Miller, M.
R., "Preliminary Characterization of Bioreactivity of Novel Carbonaceous
Pitches Extracted in N-methyl-ptrrolidine (NMP)Ó. Energy & Fuels,
Volume 9, No. 6, pp. 1051-1057, November-December, 1995
16. Hoeldtke,
Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Horvath Gabriella G., Byerly, Michele R.,
Hobbs, Gerald R., Marcovina, Santica M. and, Lernmark, Ake, ÒAntibodies to GAD
and Glycemic Control in Recent-Onset IDDMÓ, Diabetes Care. Volume 20,
Number 12, pp. 1900-1903, December, 1997
17. Sheth,
Raj D., Riggs, Jack E., Hobbs, Gerald. R. and, Gutmann, Ludwig, "Age and
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Severity", Muscle & Nerve, Volume 19,
No. 3, pp. 375-377, March, 1996
Sheth, Raj D.,
Buckley, David, Penny, Sharon, Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒVigabratin in Childhood
Epilepsy: Comparable Efficacy for Generalized and Partial SeizuresÓ, Clinical
Neuropharmacology, Volume 19, No. 4, pp. 297-304, July, 1996
Hobbs, Gerald R.,
Mitra RK, Chuahan, RP, Woodley JM, Lilly MD, ÒEnzyme-catalysed carbon-carbon
bond formation: large-scale production of Escherichia coli transkeÓ, Journal
of Biotechnology, Vol. 45, No. 2 (February) 1996 pp. 173-179
20. Sheth,
Raj D., Hobbs, Gerald R.,Riggs, Jack E.
Penny, Sharon, ÒBone Mineral Density in Geographically Diverse Adolescent
PopulationsÓ, Pediatrics, Volume 98, No. 5, pp. 948-951, November, 1996
21. Sheth,
Raj D., Schaefer, G. Bradley, Keller, Gina. M., Hobbs, Gerald R., Bodensteiner,
John. B., ÒSize of the Corpus Callosum in Cerebral PalsyÓ, Journal of
Neuroimaging, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 180-183, July, 1996
22. Schmidt,
Rebecca J., Domico, Jennifer R., Sorkin, Michael, I. and Hobbs, Gerald , ÒEarly
Referral and Its Impact on Emergent First Dialysis, Health Care Costs and
OutcomeÓ, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Volume 32, No. 2, August,
1998, Pp. 278-283
23. Sheth,
Raj D., Hobbs, Gerald R., and Mullett, Martha D. ÒNeonatal Seizures: Incidence,
Onset and Etiology by Gestational AgeÓ, Journal of Perinatology Volume
19, No. 1, February, 1999, Pp. 40-43
Riggs, Jack E., Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒRiluzole and Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis: Did Potential Market Size Bias Pharmaceutical Reseach?Ó, (letter) Archives
of Neurology, Volume 53, No. 11, pp. 1093-1094, November, 1996
25. Riggs, Jack E. and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒHomicide in
the United States, 1951-1990: Synchronous Age-Specific Rate Changes in Adult
MenÓ, Military Medicine, Vol. 162, No. 4, pp. 262-265, April, 1997
26. Masilamani,
S., Hobbs, G. R. and Baylis, C., ÒThe Acute Pressure Natriuresis Response is
Blunted and the Blood Pressure Response is Reset in the Normal Pregnant RatÓ, American
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 179, No. 2, pp. 486-491, August,
27. Islam,
Syed, Gutin, Bernard, Treiber, Frank, Hobbs, Gerry, Kamboh, Ilyas, Virella,
Gabriel and, Lopez-Virella, Maria, ÒAssociation of Apo(a) Phenotypes and
Oxidized LDL-immune Complexes in ChildrenÓ Archives of Pediatric &
Adolescent Medicine, Volume 153, No. 1, 57-62, January, 1999
28. Hoeldtke, Robert. D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Horvath, Gabriella G.,
Byerly, Michele R., Hobbs, Gerald R., Marcovina, Santica and, Lernmark, Ake,
ÒAntibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Correlate With Glycemic Control in
Recent Onset IDDMÓ, Diabetes, Volume 46, pp. 7A (1997)- abstract
29. Hoeldtke, Robert. D., Bryner, Kimberly. D., Horvath, Gabriella G., Phares, Robert, Hobbs, Gerald R., Christie, Ian and, Ganser, Gary, ÒPlasma Prorenin Reflects Sympathetic and Somatosensory Neuropathy Early in IDDMÓ, Diabetes, Volume 46, pp. 126A (1997)-abstract
30. Hoeldtke, Robert D., Horvath, Gabriella,
G., Bryner, Kimberly D., Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒTreatment of Orthostatic
Hypotension with Midodrine and OctreotideÓ, Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 83, No.2, February, 1998
Richards, Steven. D.,
Ritchie, Susan, Hobbs, Gerald R., Mandich, MaryBeth, Sheth, Raj D., and ÒThe
Neonatal Suck Reflex Pattern Does Not Predict ApneaÓ, Journal of Child
NeurologyÓ, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 614-616, September, 1999
Westra, CS, Ducatman,
AM, Nieweadomska-Bugaj M, Hobbs, GR Jr., ÒAn Estimate of Prostate Cancer for a
Demographically Similar Workforce PopulationÓ, West Virginia Medical Journal,
Vol. 95, No. 3, (May-June) 1999, pp. 116-122
33. Riggs,
Jack. E. and, Hobbs, Gerald. R., ÒNonrandom Sequence of Slope-Intercept
Estimates In Longitudenal Gompertzian Analysis Suggests Biological RelevanceÓ, Mechanisms
of Aging and Development, Volume 100, No. 2, March, 1998, pp. 269-275
34. Riggs,
J. E. and Hobbs, G. R., ÒClinical Trials, Outcomes, and Statistics: How better
can be worseÓ, Journal of Neurology (letter), Volume 51, pp. 1234-1235,
October, 1998
35. Zhuang, Ziqing, Stobbe, Terry J., Hsiao, Hongwei, Collins, James W., and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒBiomechanical Evaluation of Assistive Devices for Transferring PatientsÓ, Applied Ergonics, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 285-294, April, 1999
37. Zhuang, Ziqing, Stobbe, Terrance. J., Collins, James W., Hsiao, Hongwei, and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒPschophysical Assessment of Assistive Devices for Transferring ResidentsÓ, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 31, pp. 35-44, January, 2000
38. Hoeldtke, Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Hobbs, Gerald R., Horvath, Gabriella G., Riggs, Jack E., Christie, Ian, Ganser, Gary, Marcovina, Santica M., Lernmark, Ake, ÒAntibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase and Peripheral Nerve Function in Type 1 DiabetesÓ, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 85, No. 9 (September) 2000, Pp. 3297-3308.
39. Newman, Jonathon, Aulick, Neal, Cheng, Thanh, Faynor Steven, Curtis, Robert, Mercer, Don, Williams, Janet, Hobbs, Gerald, ÒPrehospital Identification of Acute Coronary Ischemia Using a Troponin T Rapid AssayÓ, Prehospital Emergency Care, pp. 97-101, March, 1999
40. Becker, P., Akladios, M., Fullen, M., Hobbs, G., ÒFall Prevention in Construction by Organizational
InterventionÓ, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites (Hinze, Hinze and Coble Eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999 pp. 917-924
41. Goins, R. Turner, Hobbs, Gerry, ÒDistribution and
Utilization of Home and Community-Based Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly
in North CarolinaÓ, Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Vol. 12, No. 3
(July-Sept.) 2001, pp. 23-42
42. Hoeldtke, Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Horvath, Gabriella G., Phares, Robert W., Broy, Lance F., and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒRedistribution of Sudomotor Responses Is an Early Sign of Sympathetic Dysfunction in Type 1 DiabetesÓ, Diabetes, Vol. 50 (February), 2001, pp. 436-443
43. Lamm, Donald L., Riggs, Dale R., Bugaj, Magdelena and Hobbs, Gerry, ÒIntravesical Prophylaxis in Bladder Cancer: A Meta-AnalysisÓ, Official Abstract #352473, American Urological Association, 2000
44. Prabhu, Vicram C., Kaufman, Howard H., Voelker, Joeseph L., Aronoff, Stephen C., Niewiadomska-Bugaj, Magdalena, Mascaro, Suzy and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒProphylactic Antibiotics with Intracranial Pressure Monitors and External Ventricular Drains: A Review of the EvidenceÓ, Surgical Neurology, 1999, Vol. 52, Pp. 226-235
45. Hoeldtke, Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Komanduri, Padma, Christie, Ian, Ganser, Gary and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒDecreased Prorenin Processing Develops before Autonomic Dysfunction in Type 1 DiabetesÓ, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol. 85, No. 2 (February) 2001, Pp. 585-589
46. Goins, R. Turner, Hays Judith.C.,Landerman Lawrence.R., Hobbs Gerry, ÒAccess to Health Care and Self-Rated Health Among Community Dwelling Older AdultsÓ, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Vol. 20, No. 3 (September) 2001, Pp. 307-321
47. Smith Cheryl, Stamm, S. Craig, Riggs, Jack E., Stauber, William, Harsh, Veronica., Gannett, Peter M., Hobbs, Gerry, Miller Michael R., "Ethanol-mediated CYP1A1/2 Induction in Rat Skeletal Muscle Tissue", Experimental & Molecular Pathology, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 223-232, (September) 2000
48. Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒData Mining and Healthcare InformaticsÓ, American Journal of Health Behavior, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 285-289, (May/June) 2001
49. Kofke, W. Andrew, Shaheen, N., McWhorter, Julie, Sinz, Elizabeth H., Hobbs, Gerald, "Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography with Induction of Anesthesia and Neuromuscular Blockade in Surgical PatientsÓ, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, Vol. 13, No. 5, (August) 2001, Pp. 335-338
50. Hoeldtke, Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., Hobbs, Gerald R., Baylis, Christine, "Sympathetic Dysfunction in Early Diabetes is Associated with Increased Nitric Oxide", Clinical Autonomic Research (in Press)
51. Riggs, Jack E., Moudgil, Shyam S., Hobbs, Gerald R., "Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease and Blood Transfusions: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Studies", Military Medicine, Vol. 166, No. 12, December, 2001
Palmer, H. Carl, Armistead, Niti S., Elnicki, D. Michael,
Halperin, Alan K., Ogershok, Paul R., Mannivann, Shanthi, Hobbs, Gerald R.,
Evans, Kim, "The Effect of a Hospitalist Service with Nurse Discharge
Planner on Patient Care in an Academic Teaching Hospital" American
Journal of Medicine, Vol. 111 (December 1, 2001), pp. 627-632
53. Gupta, Naresh C., Tamim, Wael J. Graber, Geoffrey G., Bishop, Harry A., Hobbs, Gerald. R. "Mediastinal Lymph Node Sampling Following Positron Emission Tomography with Fluorodeoxygluclose Imaging in Lung Cancer Staging", Chest, Vol. 120, No. 8 (August) 2001, pp. 521-527
P.., Fullen, M., Akladios, M. and Hobbs, G., "Prevention of Construction
Falls by Organizational Intervention", Injury Prevention, Vol. 7,
Suppl I (2001) pp. 64-67
Elbert D., Glover, Penny N., Franzon, Mikael C., Sullivan, C. Rollynn, Cerullo,
Connie C., Howell, Robert M., Keyes, Gordon G., Nilsson, Fredrik, Hobbs, Gerald
R., "A Comparison of a Nicotine Sublingual Tablet and Placebo for Smoking
Cessation", Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Vol 4. No. 4 (November,
2002) Pp. 441-450.
Samantha L., Hobbs, Gerry, Miller, Michael R., "Acetominophen-Induced
Proliferation of Estrogen-Responsive Breast Cancer is Associated with Increases
in c-myc RNA Expression and NF-kB
Activity", Toxicological Sciences, Vol. 66, No. 2 (April, 2002) pp.
Jack E., Davis, Stephen M., Hobbs, Gerald R., Paulson, Debra J., Chinnis, Ann
S., Heilman, Patricia L., ÒAssociation Between Early Returns and Frequent ED
Visits at a Rural Academic Medical CenterÓ, American Journal of Emergency
Medicine, Vol. 21. No. 1 (January, 2003) Pp. 30-31
June H., Janney, Michelle A., Ostrow, C. Lynne, Withrow, Mary Lynn, Hobbs,
Gerald R., Burant, Christopher, ÒPredicting Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction
and Intent to LeaveÓ, Journal of Nursing Administration, Vol. 33, No. 5
(May) 2003, Pp. 271-283
Elbert D., Glover, Penny N., Sullivan, C. Rollynn, Cerullo, Connie L., Hobbs,
Gerald R., ÒA Comparison of Sustained Release Bupropion and Placebo for
Smokeless Tobacco CessationÓ, American Journal of Health Behavior, Vol.
26, No. 5 (September) 2002, Pp. 386-393
Jack E., Libell, David P. Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒIn-Hospital Stroke Mortality,
Hospital Transfers, and Referral Bias at a Rural Academic Medical CenterÓ, Journal
of Rural Health, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Spring, 2002), pp. 294-297
Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., McNeill, Daniel R., Riggs, Jack E., Warehime,
Sarah S., Christie, Ian, Ganser, Gary and Van Dyke, Knox, ÒNitrosative Stress, Uric Acid and
Periferal Nerve Function in Early Type 1 DiabetesÓ, Diabetes, Vol. 51,
No. 9, (September , 2002), pp. 2817-2825
Jack E., Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒMotor Axonal Injury and Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis: Risk Assessment Using a Reverse Probability Analysis TechniqueÓ, Military
Medicine, Vol. 168, No. 2 (February) 2003, pp. 143-145
Robert D., Bryner, Kimberly D., McNeill, Daniel R., Warehime, Sarah S.,Van
Dyke, Knox, and Hobbs, Gerald, ÒOxidative Stress and Insulin Requirements in
Patients with Recent-Onset Type I DiabetesÓ, Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 88, No. 4 (April, 2003) pp.1624-1628
Robert D, Bryner, Kimberly D., McNeill, Daniel R., Hobbs, Gerald R., and
Baylis, Chris, ÒPeroxynitrate Versus Nitric Oxide in Early DiabetesÓ, American
Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 16, No. 9 (September, 2003) pp. 761-766
June H., Ostrow, C. Lynne, Withrow, Mary Lynne, Janney, Michelle A., Hobbs, Gerald R., Burant,
Christopher, ÒPredictors of Patient Satisfaction with Inpatient Hospital
Nursing CareÓ, Research in Nursing and Health, Vol. 27, (July, 2004) pp.
James, Cottrell L, Perkins K, Pack R, Stanton B, Hobbs G. ÒDepressive Symptoms
and Health Risk Among Rural AdolescentsÓ Pediatrics. Vol. 113 No. 5
(May, 2004) pp. 1313-1320
Wei, Skarulis Monica C., Simonds, William F., Weinstein, Lee S., Agarwal,
Sunita K., Mateo, Carmen, James-Newton, Laura, Hobbs, Gerald R., Gibril,
Fathia, Jensen, Robert, Marx, Stephen J., ÒMultiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Variant with Frequent Prolactinoma and Rare GastinomaÓ, Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol 89, No. 8, (August 2004), pp. 3776-3784
D, Amsden, JR., Khakoo, RA, Fisher, MA., Lalka, D, Hobbs, GR., ÒEffect of
High-Dose Vitamin C on the Steady-State Pharmacokinetics of the Protease
Inhibitor Indinavir in Healthy VolunteersÓ, Journal of Pharmacotherapy ,
Vol. 25, No. 2 (February, 2005) Pp. 165-170
Bachel, Stobbe, Terrence J., Hobbs, Gerald R. Jr., ÒThe Effect of Asymmetry on Pyschophysical Lifting Capacity
for Three Lifting TypesÓ, Ergonomics, Vol. 48, No. 4, March 15, 2005,
pp. 364-379.
Stacey, Howard, Brandi, Hobbs, Gerald R., Bishop, Clifton P., ÒA Method for
Determining the Age of a BloodstainÓ, Forensic Science International,
Vol. 148, (2005) Pp. 37-45
Ramin, Crowell, Edward, Hobbs, Gerry, Higa, Gerry, Abraham, Jame, ÒIncreased
Risk of Brain Metastases in Patients with HER-2/neu-Positive Breast Carcinoma, Cancer,
Vol. 103, Issue 3 (February, 2005) pp. 442-443
JE, Libell, DP, Brooks, CE, Hobbs, GR, ÒImpact of Institution of a Stroke
Program Upon Referral Bias at a Rural Academic Medical CenterÓ, Rural
Hospitals, Vol. 21, No. 3 (June, 2005) Pp. 269-271
Khan, Fida, Khakoo,
Rashida, Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒImpact of Contact Isolation on Healthcare Workers
at a Tertiary Care CenterÓ, American Journal of Infection Control, Vol
34, No 7, (September 2006) pp. 408-413
Laura, Clark, Karen, Powers, Roxann, Hobbs, Gerald, ÒThe Rectovaginal
Examination: Physician Attitudes and Practice PatternsÓ, Southern Medical
Journal, Vol. 99, No. 3, (March, 2006), pp. 212-215
Christian, Schunn,
Gisa B., Hobbs, Gerry, Vona-Davis, Linda, Waheed, Usman, "Inferior Vena
Cava Filter Placement in Late-Stage Cancer". Vascular and
Endovascular Surgery, Vol. 40, No. 4, (April, 2006), pp. 287-294
S. Sendhil, Durst, Christopher, Lemieux Susan K., Paylman, Raymond R.,
Rajagopalan Sridhar, Spencer, Richard G., Hobbs, Gerald R., Thomas M. Albert,
ÒInvestigation of Muscle Lipid Metabolism by Localized One- and Two-Dimensional
MRS Techniques using a Clinical 3T MRI/MRS ScannerÓ, Journal of Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, Vol 25, No. 1, (January, 2007) pp. 192-199
Bennett P, Tadros A, Davis SM, Hobbs G. Rural Emergency Medicine: The 2004 West Virginia Emergency Medicine Workforce. West Virginia Medical Journal (November/December) 2007
Hoeldtke, Robert D., Bryner,
Kimberly, Hoeldtke, Martin, Hobbs, Gerald, ÒTreatment of Postural Tachycardia
Syndrome: A Comparison of Octreotide and MidodrineÓ, Journal of Clinical
Autonomic Research, Vol 11, (October 2006)
RD., Hampe, CS., Bekris, LM., Hobbs, GR., Bryner, KD., Lernmark A., ÒAntibodies
to GAD65 and Symptoms of Diabetic NeuropathyÓ. Clinical Autonomic Research,
Vol 16 (November, 2006), pp 369
Kurian, S., Qazilbash, M., Fay, J., Wolff, S., Herzig, R., Hobbs, G.,
Bunner, P., Weisenborn, R., Aya-ay, M., Lynch, J., Ericson, S., ÒComplete
Response after High-Dose Chemotherapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer Results in
Survival BenefitÓ, The Breast Journal, Vol 12, No 6, (Nov/Dec, 2006),
pp. 531-535
Hoeldtke, Robert D, Bryner,
Kimberly D, Hoeldtke, Martin E, Christie, Ian, Ganser, Gary, Hobbs, Gerald,
Riggs, Jack, ÒSympathetic Sudomotor Disturbance in Early Type I Diabetes
Mellitus is Linked to Lipid PeroxidationÓ, Metabolism Clinical and
Experimental, Vol. 55, No 11 (November, 2006), pp. 1524-1531
Craig, Michael, Crumston, A.
D., Hobbs, Gerald R., Devetten, Marcel P., Sarwari, A. R., Erickson, Solveig
G., ÒThe Cliniucal Impact of Implementing an Antibacterial Prophilaxis and
Cycling Antibiotics for Febrile Netropenia in a Hematological Malignancy and
Transplatntation UnitÓ, Bone Marrow
Transplantation, (February
Velan, S, Sendhil, Lemieux,
Susan K., Raylman, Raymond R., Boling, Warren. Hobbs, Gerald R,. Spencer,
Richard G., Sridar, Rajagopalan, Kuppusamy, Periannan, Thomas, M. Albert, ÒDetection of Cerebral Metabolites by
Single-Voxel-Based PRESS and COSY
Techniques at 3T", Journal
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 26 (July 2007) pp. 405-409
Hoeldtke, Robert D.,
Hampe, Christiane S., Bekris, Lynn M., Hobbs, Gerald, Bryner, Kimberly D.,
Lernmark, Ake, DCCT Research Group, ÒAntibodies to GAD65 and Peripheral Nerve
Function in the DCCTÓ, Journal of Neuroimmunology, Vol 185, (February
2007) pp. 182-189
Higa, Gerald M., Auber,
Miklos L., Altaha, Ramin, Piktel, Debbie, Kurian Sobha, Hobbs, Gerry, Landreth,
Kenneth, Ò5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid and Substance P Profiles in Patients
Receiving Emetogenic ChemotherapyÓ, Journal of Oncology Pharmacological
Practice, Vol 12, No. 4, (December, 2006) pp. 201-209
Riggs, Jack E., Gutman, Laurie, Hobbs,
Gerald R., ÒVolunteering for Early Phase Gene Transfer Research in Parkinson
DiseaseÓ, Neurology, Vol 68 (March, 2007) pp. 877-878
Modak, Anil S., Reid, Jennie
M., Williams, Lori A., Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒA simple non-invasive method to
detect and monitor hypercapnia: the Sodium [13C]bicarbonate breath
testÓ, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1,
(March, 2007), pp. 23-29
Ramin, Ducatman, Barbara, Rassekh, Christopher, Vandersloot, Paul, McEwuen,
Sytlvia, Hobbs, Gerry, Petros, William, Wang, Weixin, ÒHuman Papillomavirus
Infection Head and Neck Cancer in the Appalachian RegionÓ, Proceedings of
the American Association for Cancer Research Vol 48 (April, 2007)
Hussein, Rezhan, Khakoo,
Rashida, Hobbs, Gerald, ÒHand Hygiene Practice in Adult versus Pediatric
Intensive Care Units at a University Hospital Before and After InterventionÓ, Scandinavian
Journal of Infectious Disease, Vol 39, (June 2007) pp. 566-570
Sajja, Venu, Dod, Harvinder,
Beto, Robert, Jain, Abnash C., Hobbs, Gerald R., Finkel, Mitchell S., ÒAn
Analysis of the Efficiency and Safety of Enhanced External Counterpulsation at
West Virginia University HospitalsÓ, West Virginia Medical Journal, Vol
103, No 3, (September 2007) pp. 10-12
Ali, Sadia, Khakoo, Rashida,
Fisher, Melanie, Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒAn Assessment of Influenza Vaccination
Among Health Profession StudentsÓ, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious
Disease, Vol 39, (September 2007), pp 822-825
92. Hoeldtke,
Robert D, Bryner, Kimberly D, Hoeldtke, Martin E, Hobbs, Gerald R, ÒTreatment
of Autonomic Neuropathy, Postural Tachycardia and Orthostatic Syncopoe with
Octreotide LARÓ, Clinical Autonomic Research, Vol 17 No. 6, August 2007,
pp. 334-340
1. Hobbs,
G. R. Review of: "Econometric Models As Guide To Decision Making" by
Lawrence Klein in The Journal of Business Forecasting
Methods and Systems, V. 2, No. 2, pp. 23, Summer 1983.
1. Hobbs, G. R., D. M. Chilko, A. A. Billings, R. King and
P. Hshieh, "Jackknife Techniques in Regression
Analysis", Proc. of the Fifth Annual
Conference of SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1980
pp 203-207, March 1980
2. Chilko, D. M., G. R. Hobbs, and E. J. Harner,
"Probability Plotting in SAS", Proc. of the Sixth Annual Conference
of SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, pp 1-6, 1981
3. Hobbs, G. R. and D. M. Chilko, "An Enhancement to
NPARlWAY: Multiple Comparisons", Proc. of the Sixth Annual Conference of
SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, pp 176-177, 1981
4. Harner, E. J., G. R. Hobbs, E. C. Keller, A. G. Everett,
and D. M. Chilko, ".assessing Estimates of the 99th Percentile of a
Distribution" ENVIROMETRICS, pp 198-199, April, 1981
5. Hobbs, G. R., E. J. Harner, D. M. Chilko, M. Miller,
E. C. Keller, and A. G. Everitt,
"A Comparison of Various Possible Methodologies for the Determination of
NO Control Requirements" ENVIROMETRICS, V3, pp 221-225, April, 1981
6. Hobbs, G. R. and D. M. Chilko,
"Robust Regresion and Proc JACKREGR", Proc. of the Eighth Annual
Conference of SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, pp 729-737, 1983
7. Hobbs, G. R., "Using SAS
Software to do Nonparametric Statistics", Proc. of the Ninth Annual
Conference of SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1984
8. Hambi, P. T., D. M. Chilko and G.
R. Hobbs, "PROC JACKREG", Proc. of the Ninth Annual Conference of
SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1984
9. Hobbs, G. R., "Regression
Diagnostics", Proc. of Tenth Annual Conference of SUGI, SAS Institute
Inc., Cary, NC, 1985, pp. 1222-1228.
10. Hobbs, G., "Variable Selection and
Case Analysis in Regression," Proc. of the Eleventh Annual Conference of
SUGI, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1986, pp. 943-948.
11. Sarkar,
M.A., Higa, G., Hobbs, G. and DeVore, R.
Use of a Pharmacokinetic Model to Predict
Antitimor Response with Prolonged
Infusion", Pharmical Therapy, Vol.
14, pp. 18,
12. Sheth,
R. D., Bodensteiner, J. B.,Mullett,M.and,
G. R., "Head Growth Rate Grids for Normal
and Low-Birth Weight Infants" Pediatric
1994; 11:137 (refereed)
13. Sheth,
R. D., Wesolowski, C. A., Jacob, J. C.,
S. and, Hobbs, G. R., "Are Children
Monotherapy for Idiopathic Epilepsy at
for Osteoporosis? Yes, if Therapy is with
Annals of Neurology 1994; 36:501-502
14. Sheth,
R. D., Penny, S., Jacob, J. C., Wesolowski,
A. and Hobbs, G. R., "Valproate Reduces Bone
in Children with Idiopathic Epilepsy"
1994; 35:35 (refereed)
15. Early Relapse in Node-Negative Breast Cancer Predicted
Immunostaining for p53, Rb, Cyclin D-1, Bcl-2 and ER,
(with Hostetter, R. B., Davidson, A. G., Summers, C. L.
Quinlin, D. C.) presented at 12th Int'l Conf. on
Tumor Markers to be held in June, 1995
16. Kao, E. C., Holmes, S. and, Hobbs, G.,
ÒMicroleakage of
Bulk- vs.
Incremental-filled Class II Composite Resin
RestorationsÓ submitted to IADR, March, 1996
17. Sheth,
Raj. D., Hobbs, Gerald. R., and Mullett, Martha. D., ÒEvolving trends in
neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage: A 10-year perspectiveÓ, (abstract
accepted for publication in Annals of Neurology)
18. Sheth, Raj D. and Hobbs, Gerald R., ÒThe Influence of Gestational Age Upon Neonatal Seizures: A 10-year perspective (abstract to appear in Epilepsia)
Hoeldtke, R. D., Bryner, K. D., Horvath, G., Byerly, M., Byerly, R., Hobbs, G., Christie,
I., Ganser, G., Kuca, J. and Riggs, J.E., ÒDeterioration in
Sudomotor Function Early in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus Correlates with ProreninÓ, VII International
Symposium of the Autonomic Nervous System - Abstract in
Clinical Autonomic Research, Vol. 6, pg. 288, 1996
43. Islam, S., Hobbs, G., Haque, A., Greenwood, J., Bowers, C., Ducatman, A., ÒDifferences in Occupational Injuries by Gender in West Virginia: Analyses of WorkersÕ Compensation Claim DatabaseÓ, National Occupational Injury Research Symposium, 1997
44. Islam, S., Hobbs, G., Haque, A., Murray, B., Suppa, S., Ducatman, A., ÒUse of Narcotic and Non-narcotic Analgesic Medications in Occupational Injuries: Analyses of Reimbursed Prescriptions in a State Run WorkerÕs Compensation DatabaseÓ, National Occupational Injury Research Symposium, 1997
Becker, P., Akladios,
M., Fullen, M., Hobbs, G., ÒFall Prevention in Construction by Organizational
InterventionÓ, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of
CIB Working Commission, March 1999
48.. Wenger, S. L., Lane, J., Brancazio, L. R., Hobbs, G. R., ÒEvaluation of Maternal Serum Triple Screen as Identifier of Trisomic FetusesÓ, American Journal of Human Genetics - abstract, 1999, Vol 65, A372-2104
46. Armistead, Niti, Davidson, Mary, Evans, K. Hobbs, Gerry, Shockcor, William, and Elnicki, Michael, "Evaluating the Impact of Admission Day on Cost and Quality of Care", SIGM, 2001
47. Glover, Elbert D., Whoolery, Judith, Hobbs, Gerald, Cerullo, Connie, Sullivan, C. Rolly, Glover, Penny N., "Efficacy of Bupropion SR for Smokeless Tobacco Cessation" American Academy of Health Behavior, (May/June) 2001 Vol 25, No. 3
48. Powers, R. I., Layne, R. D., Clark, K. E., Warden, M. D., Blaha, M. D., France, J. C., Yates, A. J., Hobbs, G., ÒEffective Collaboration Between Internists and OrthopedistsÓ, Journal of General Internal Medicine, (April) 2002, Vol. Supp. 1, Pp. 130
Krummel DA, Gordon
PM, Semmens EL, Boury JM, Hobbs, GR, Larkin KT. Record completion in
low-income, postpartum women enrolled in an obesity prevention project. Annals
of Behavioral Medicine. 2002;24:S054. (paper presentation)
Krummel DA, Boury JM,
Semmens EL, Gordon PM, Hobbs GR, Larkin KT. Weight loss readiness in postpartum
women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2002;24:S130. D-76. (poster)
Thomas, John, Hobbs,
Gerry, Yakabu, Davis, Bretz, Walter and Karakiozis, Jacqueline, ÒUnmasking
Significance of Antibiotic MIC Data: Creating a Periopathogen SignatureÓ
Academy of Periodontology, New Orleans, LA
Sullivan, Pamela,
Sinz, Elizabeth, Hobbs, Gerald, Glover, Elbert, Cain, James, Kofke, Andrew,
ÒRemifentanil vs. Methohexital for Electroconvulsive TherapyÓ, Journal of
Electroconvulsive Therapy, Vol. 19 No. 1 (March) 2003, pp. 60
Douglas, Amsden John.R., Khakoo Rashida.A., Fisher Melanie.A., Lalka David.,
Hobbs Gerald.R., ÒEffect of High-Dose Vitamin C on the Steady-State
Pharmacokinetics of the Protease Inhibitor Indinavir in
Healthy VolunteersÓ [abstract A-1610] In: Program and Abstracts of the 43rd
Interscience Conference on
Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL. September 14-17,2003.
54. Kao, Elizabeth, Ngan, Peter,
Hobbs, Gerald, Brown, Brigitta, Gladwin, Marsha, Koelbl,
James, ÒEffects of Self-Etching
Primer and Conventional Sealant on Enamel DemineralizationÓ
10th Annual Research Day, West
Virginia section of the
American Dental Association.
M, Adumala R, Altaha R, Hobbs G, Crowell E, ÒRetrospective Analysis of
Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Patients Treated Initially with BCNU Versus
Temozolide (TZM) with Concommitant Radiation TherapyÓ, (abstract) Journal of
Clinical Oncology, Vol 25, No. 18S (June) 2007, pp. 2071
Saad A,
Rikhye S, Kanate A, Sehbol A, Marano G, Hobbs G, Abraham J, ÒÓCorrelation Among
[18F] FDG-PET/CT Tumor Marker CA 27.29 and Circulating Tumor Cells
in Metastatic Breast CancerÓ, (abstract) Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 25,
No 18S (June) 2007 pp. 10533
1. Hobbs, G. R., Three reports done for the
U.S. Army Safeguard Systems Evaluation Agency at The White Sands Missile Range,
New Mexico. The reports involved
the application of statistical methodology to problems of evaluation of a radar
system for the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense network. The contents of those reports are
2. Hobbs, G. R. and E. J. Harner,
"Critique of the Data Analysis for the Manning (1976) and Hubbard (1977)
Vineyards", done for Energy Impact Associate, February, 1979
3. Hobbs, G. R. and E. J. Harner, "An
Analysis of the 1978 Hubbard Vineyard Data", done for Energy Impact
Associate and Niagra Mohawk Power Company, April, 1979
4. Hobbs, G. R., E. J. Harner, P. L. Miller,
and E. C. Keller, "The Cyclic
Characterization of Oil Refinery Waste Loadings", for the American
Petroleum Institute through Ecometrics, May, 1978
5. Hobbs, G. R., "Comments on
Statistical Aspects of an E.P.A. Proposal for Determing Water Quality
Criteria", done for Bionomics, a divison of EG & G through Ecometrics
(Bionomics later submitted the majority of our report verbatum to the American
Iron and Steel Institute), August, 1978
6. Hobbs, G. R. and E. J. Harner, "An
Analysis of the 1979 Hubbard Vineyard Data and the 1978-79 Combined Data",
done for Energy Impact Associates, February, 1980
7. Hobbs, G. R., M. Miller, F. Moeng, E. J.
Harner, and D. M. Chilko, "Application of EPA Methodology to the
Determination of NO Control Requirements", done for the American Petroleum
Institute, May, 1980
8. Hobbs, G. R., E.C. Keller, E. J.
Harner, and D. M. Chilko,
"Inter-Method and Intra-Method Comparison of N02 Control
Requirements", for the Office of the General Council of the American
Petroleum Institute, May, 1980
10. Hobbs, G. R., "SAS
Documentation" for the Office of Academic Computing. A brief introduction to SAS for those
with minimal computer knowledge.
Available on WVNET System under WYLBUR by the designation $EMERSS2S.SAS
as an "on-line" instruction manual.
11. Hobbs, G. R., "An Enhancement to
NPARlWAY:Multiple Comparisons" SAS Writeup #22, July, 1981
12. Hobbs, G. R., "Instructions on the
Use of the West Virginia Urban Watershed Benefits Program", a user's guide
to a FORTRAN program I wrote for the Soil Conservation Service
13. Hobbs, G. R., Review of the Statistical
Aspects of "Relationship of Regional Combustion Emissions to Wet
Deposition on Sulfate and Nitrate", U. S. Dept. of Energy, Morgantown
Energy Technology Center and EG&G, November, 1984
14. Shadle, L. J., Hobbs, G. R., et al
"Flash Pyrolysis of Green River Shale" U.S./D.O.E.-M.E.T.C. Technical
Note DOE/METC-88/4080 (DE88001077), 1988
1. A Result Concerning Optimal Alternatives
given a Particular Scoring Scheme for Categorical Data, Institute of
Mathematical Statistics, Western Regional Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
May, 1973
2. Rank Tests for Categorical Data and Their
Relation to the Chi-Square Test for Independence, Joint Statistical Societies,
National Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, August, 1974
3. On Chi-Square Tests and Contingency
Tables, invited lecture at the Pennsylvania State University, October, 1975
4. Jackknife Techniques in Regression
Analysis, SAS User's Group, International Meeting in San Antonio, Texas,
February, 1980
5. Probability Plotting in SAS, paper
presented at SAS User's Group Conference, Orlando, FL, February, 1981
6. An Enhancement to NPARlWAY: Multiple
Comparisons, paper presented at SAS User's Group Conference, Orlando, FL,
February, 1981
7. Assessing Estimates of the 99th
Percentile of a distribution, paper presented at ENVIROMETRICS, Washington, DC,
April, 1981
8. A Comparison of Various Possible
Methodologies for the Determination of NO Control Requirements, paper presented
at ENVIROMETRICS, Washington, DC, April, 1981
9. Application of Robust Statistics, ASA
Conference on Environmental Sampling and Analysis of Sampling Data: Assessment of Human Exposures and
Health Effects, Coolfont Resort, Berkley Springs, WV, July, 1982
10. Robust Regression and Proc JACKREGR, SAS
User's Group Conference, New Orleanes, LA, January 1983 (Invited)
11. Using SAS Software to do Nonparametric
Statistics, paper presented at SAS User's Group conference, Hollywood, FL,
March, 1984 (Invited)
12. Regression Diagnostics, SAS User's Group
Conference, Reno, NV, March, 1985 (Invited).
13. Variable Selection and Case Analysis in
Regression, SAS User's Group Conference, February, Atlanta, GA, 1986 (Invited)
14. Robust and Exploratory Analyses
Automated, (Invited - with Harner, E.J.) SAS User's Group conference, San
Francisco, CA, April, 1989
15. Epidemiology of Multiple Primary Cancers
(with Sohrabi, A. K., DeShong, J., et. al.) American College of Surgery,
Chicago, IL, October 1991
16. Two Center Review of Squamous Cell
Carcinoma of the Hand (with Genecov, D. G., Sohrabi, A. K., and Timberlake, G.
A.) WVU School of Medicine Research Day, Morgantown, WV, March 1992
17. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Hand: A
Fifteen Year Experience, (with D. Genecov et. al.Poster presented at the
American College of Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA October, 1992
18. Bone Densitometry of Video Digitized
Radiographs (with Biddinger, D. and Blaha, D.) American Orthopedic Association
Research Conference, March, 1992
19. Decreased
Spasticity and Functional Outcome after
Dorsal Root Section (with Bodensteiner, J., Kaufman,
H., et. al.) American Association of
20. Obsessive-Compulsive
Symptoms and Standardized
Test Scores (with Makela, E., Vanin, J.,
E., and Linger, B.) New Clinical Drug
Unit Program: NCDEU - intercom, 1994
21. The Use
of a Pharmacodynamic Model to Predict
with Prolonged Etopside Infusion
Sarkar, M., Higa, G. P., and DeVore, R.)
College of Clinical Pharmacy, July-
22. Are
Children Receiving Monotherapy for
Epilepsy at Risk for Osteoporosis?
if Therapy is with Valproate (with Sheth,
D., Wesolowski, C. A., Jacob, J. A., and
S.) Child Neurology Society, 1994
23. Valproate
Reduces Bone Density in Children with
Epilepsy (with Sheth, R.D., Penny,S.,
J. C., Wesolowski, C. A.) American
Society, 1994
24. Head
Growth Rate Grids for Normal Very-Low and
Weight Infants (with Sheth, R. D.,
J. B., and Mullett, M.) Child
Society, 1994
25. Efficacy of Bupropion SR for Smokeless Tobacco
Cessation (with E. Glover, J. Whoolery, C. Cerullo
R. Sullivan and P. Glover) American Academy of
Health Behavior, 2000
Data Mining and
Healthcare Informatics, American Academy of Health Behavior, 2000
Using the National
Survailence System for Healthcare Workers (NaSH) to Track Intravenous Line
Related Injuries Before and After Safety Device Implementation (with Fisher,
M., Rogers, A., Capodieci, J., Zia, S., Khakoo, R., Horstman, P.), Enhancing
Working Conditions and Patient Safety: Best Practices, Pittsburgh, PA, October
17-18, 2000
Predictors of RN Job
Satisfaction (poster by J. H. Larrabee, M.A. Janney, C. L. Ostrow, M. L.
Withrow, G. R. Hobbs, Jr., and C. J. Burant) presented at the 16th Annual
Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, San Antonio, TX, February
8, 2002.
Predictors of RN Job
SatisfactionÓ (poster by J.H. Larrabee, M.A. Janney, C.L. Ostrow , M.L.
Withrow, G.R. Hobbs, Jr., and C.J. Burant) presented at the American Nurses
AssociationÕs Grand Poster Sessions, Philadelphia, June 29 – July 1,
2002. (same as #39)
Remifentanil vs.
Methohexital for Electroconvulsive Therapy, Sullivan, P.M., Sinz, E., Hobbs,
G., Glover, E.D., Cain, J., Kofke, A., International Conference on Mood
Disorders, Monte Carlo, November, 2002
of Mathematical Statistics (1972-1980)
Statistical Association 1972-present
Sigma Rho 1981-present (National Vice-President 1984-86)
SAS User's Group (Executive Committee)
1982-present Faculty Advisor, Mu Sigma Rho, The National
Statistics Honorary
1984-1986 National Vice President, Mu Sigma
Rho, The
National Statistics Honorary
1985-1992 Oak Ridge Associated Universities Visiting
Faculty Program-Morgantown Energy
Technology Center
1985-present Consultant to SAS Institute, Cary, NC
1983-1988 Board of Directors, Mu Sigma Rho