Erdogan Gunel
Office: 133 Stansbury Hall |
Mailing Address: Department of Statistics, PO Box 6330 Morgantown, WV 26506-6330 USA |
Phone: (304) 293 - 9815 |
Fax: (304) 293 - 2272 | |
Email: |
Research Interests
- Estimation of the Parameter n of the Binomial Distribution
- Uninformative Trial in Bernoulli Hypothesis Testing
- Opinion Pooling and Uses of Expert Opinions, Subjective Probability Modeling
- Bayesian Hypothesis Testing in Two and Three Dimensional Contingency Tables
- Analysis of Dichotomous Response With Nonrespondents
- Contingency Tables with Both Completely and Partially Cross-classified Data
- Randomized and Voluntary Response Sampling Plans
Consulting Interests
- Applications of Statistics to Medical Research, Statistical Quality Control and Productivity
- Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Statistical Computation
- CV (PDF file)