Ph.D. Mathematics, West Virginia University, 2022, Extremal Combinatorics
M.S. Mathematics, West Virignia University, 2007
B.S. Mathematics, Berry College, 2005
B.A. Music Performance, Berry College, 2005
F 2022 Elementary Statistical Inference (Online)
Elementary Statistical Inference (2 sections)
Intermediate Statistical Methods
SU 2022 Calculus 2 (Online)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Understanding Statistics (Online, 3-week intensive)
S 2022 Quantitative Skills Reasoning
College Algebra (3 sections, Co-coordinator)
F 2021 Quantitative Skills Reasoning (2 sections)
College Algebra (3 sections, Co-coordinator)
Calculus 2
SU 2021 College Algebra (1 Online section, Co-Coordinator)
Algebra with Applications
Introduction to Linear Algebra
S 2021 Algebra with Applications (Online)
College Algebra (1 section, Co-coordinator)
Trigonometry (3 sections)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX, Online)
F 2020 College Algebra (5 sections, Co-coordinator)
SU 2020 Algebra with Applications (2 sections, Online)
Calculus 2 (Online) (2 sections)
S 2020 Quantitative Skills Reasoning (2 sections)
Calculus 2 (2 sections)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2019 Quantitative Skills Reasoning (2 sections)
College Algebra
Calculus 2
SU 2019 Quantitative Skills Reasoning
Calculus 1
S 2019 Calculus 2 (2 sections)
Calculus 1b with Precalculus (3 sections)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2018 Trigonometry
Calculus 1a with Precalculus (4 sections)
SU 2018 Trigonometry (Maymester)
Trigonometry (Online)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
S 2018 Trigonometry (3 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2017 Quantitative Skills Reasoning
Trigonometry (2 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
Applied Calculus
SU 2017 Trigonometry (Maymester)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
S 2017 Trigonometry (2 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2016 Trigonometry (2 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
History of Mathematics
SU 2016 Trigonometry (Maymester)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
S 2016 Trigonometry (3 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2015 Trigonometry (2 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
SU 2015 Trigonometry (Maymester)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
S 2015 Trigonometry (3 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2014 Trigonometry (2 sections, Coordinator/Lead Instructor)
College Algebra (4 Day)
SU 2014 Trigonometry (Maymester)
Jazan University Visit: LaTeX & Mathematica Instructor
S 2014 Trigonometry (3 sections, Lead Instructor)
F 2013 Trigonometry (3 sections, Lead Instructor)
SU 2013 Intro Concepts of Mathematics
Jazan University Visit: LaTeX Instructor
WVU National Research Experience for Undergraduates (NREUP)
S 2013 Quantitative Skills Reasoning
Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Introduction to Mathematical Concepts (Proof Structures)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2012 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
SU 2012 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
S 2012 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Introduction to Mathematical Concepts (Proof Structures)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (Mathematica)
F 2011 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Introduction to Mathematical Concepts (Proof Structures)
SU 2011 Trigonometry (1 section, Lead Instructor)
College Algebra (4 Day)
S 2011 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Discrete Mathematics II (Combinatorics)
Graduate Professional Tools Seminar (LaTeX)
F 2010 College Algebra (4 Day)
Trigonometry (Lead Instructor)
Calculus 1 (2 sections)
SU 2010 Trigonometry (1 section, Lead Instructor)
S 2010 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Calculus 1
F 2009 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
Calculus 1
SU 2009 Trigonometry (2 sections, Lead Instructor)
S 2009 Trigonometry (3 sections, Lead Instructor)
F 2008 Trigonometry (Lead Instructor)
Calculus 1 (2 sections)
S 2008 Calculus 1
F 2007 Calculus 1 (Engineering)
S 2007 Engineering Calculus (Recitation)
F 2006 College Algebra (5 day)
Ryan Hansen, Matt Leonard , and Ron Taylor
Unknotting and Colorability of Knots and Links
Georgia Journal of Science (2006) 64(1): 41. (Abstract)
Ryan Hansen and Ron Taylor
Finding Relative Extreme Values of Cubic Functions Using Algebraic Methods
Proceedings: Third Annual Harriet J. Walton Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics Research, 2005.
Ryan Hansen, Matt Leonard and Ron Taylor
The Algebraic Case of a Conjecture of Nakanishi
Proceedings: Third Annual Harriet J. Walton Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics Research, 2005.
Ryan Hansen and Ron Taylor
Optimization of Cubic Polynomial Functions without Calculus
Mathematics Teacher, v101 n 6 p408-11 (Feb 2008)
Cover Article

Ryan Hansen, Matt Leonard and Ron Taylor
The Algebraic Case of a Conjecture of Nakanishi
Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, v21 n 2 p127-35 (2009)

John Goldwasser and Ryan Hansen
The exact Turán number of F(3,3) and all extremal configurations

David Miller, Jessica M. Deshler and Ryan Hansen
Bunny hops: using multiplicities of zeroes in calculus for graphing
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2015, 47:5, 803-813

Maria Axenovich, John Goldwasser, Ryan Hansen, Bernard Lidický, Ryan R. Martin, David Offner, John Talbot, Michael Young
Polychromatic colorings of complete graphs with respect to 1-, 2-factors, and Hamiltonian cycles

John Goldwasser and Ryan Hansen
Polychromatic colorings of 1-regular and 2-regular subgraphs of complete graphs
John Goldwasser and Ryan Hansen
Maximum density of vertex-induced perfect cycles and paths in the hypercube
In Progress
John Goldwasser and Ryan Hansen
Inducibility in the hypercube
Jessica Deshler, Ryan Hansen and David Miller
A formative assessment study in college trigonometry resulting in significant student performance benefits
Ryan Hansen
Active learning activitites with manipulatives in undergraduate courses
Polychromatic colorings of certain subgraphs of complete graphs and maximum densities of substructures of a hypercube
March 2022, West Virginia University
On maximum densities of vertex induced partial subcubes in a hypercube and polychromatic colorings of complete graphs with respect to 1-regular subgraphs
December 2021, West Virginia University
Turán 4-graphs and isomorphic vertex induced copies of a particular subgraph in the 4-cube
May 2014, 27th Cumberland Conference
A Turán 4-graph connection to the maximum copies of a particular subgraph in the 4-cube
April 2014
Maximum copies of an induced subgraph in the n-cube
April 2014
The exact Turán number of a particular 3-graph (II)
October 2012
The exact Turán number of a particular 3-graph (I)
October 2012
November 2009, WVU Math Symposium
March 2008, West Virginia University
An Unknotting Operation for Algebraic Knots
Poster: Mathematical Association of America
Southeastern Section, 85th annual Meeting
The Algebraic Case of a Conjecture of Nakanishi
Third Annual Harriett J. Walton Symposium
Optimization without Calculus
Third Annual Harriet J. Walton Symposium
Go find out! Developing undergraduate research
Plenary Talk, Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, 2005
WVU National Research Experience for Undergraduates (NREUP), SU 2013
Mathematical Association of America (NSA Grant H98230-13-1-0270),
NSF Grant DMS-1156582
WVU Department of Mathematics,
WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Curriculum Development Grant, SU 2012
WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Curriculum Development Grant (Trigonometry), SU 2010
WVU Department of Mathematics
Curriculum Development Grant (Calculus 1), SU 2010
WVU Department of Mathematics
American Radio Relay League, 2016 – present
American Mathematical Society, F 2005 – present
Mathematical Association of America, F 2006 – present
Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honors Society, F 2006 – present
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Men's Music Fraternity, F 2001 – present
Teaching Assistant Professor, Statistics, WVU F 2022 – present
Instructor of Mathematics, WVU, F 2008 – 2022
Graduate Assistantship, S 2006 – S 2008
West Virginia University Mathematics
Tuition Waiver, F 2005
West Virginia University Mathematics
Best Organized Presentation, S 2005
Berry College Symposium for Student Scholarship
Most Original Research, S 2005
Berry College Symposium for Student Scholarship
ΦMA Alumni Secretary, F 2005 – S 2007
ΦMA President, F 2004 – S 2005
ΦMA Fraternity Education Officer, F 2002 – S 2004